
Search Strategies

Page history last edited by Kim Zito 8 years, 10 months ago

How much do you know about Searching?

Let's take a look


How Search Works

Do you know how Google Search Works?

Learn or review:

Watch a video....                                                                                   or  Read through an infographic



Explain something new you've learned about Google search on your handout.


Brainstorm Keywords

Before you search, generate keywords

Keyword Generator


List your keywords on your handout.



Search Operators

How to search using operator signs:

Run through some practice searches using each of these operators. Then combine them based on your topic.

List a search you successfully performed using at least 3 operators in combination.


Use the Research Tool embedded in Google Docs


Search Google Scholar for your topic


List an article you found that relates to your research topic.


Search Google Books


List the title and author of a book that you might use when researching your topic.


Google Advanced Search Overview: Watch this video.

Google Advanced Web Search Page


Google Advanced Image Search page



Search curated sources: Perform a search for Human Rights and Livebinder or Human Rights and Lib Guides


If you're googling, evaluate your sources once you've found them!

Use either the BrainPop graphic organizer or the CARP test

Need a referesher? Go to Brainpop.com and log in. Then watch the Online Sources video for a review.

Or use 

Sweetsearch--The results in sweetsearch have been pre-evaluated so you don't have to.




If you have extra time:

Think you've got Google Game?

Try one of these challenges




Challenge: A Google A Day



Other search engines:

Wolfram Alpha is a search engine designed to answer questions about science, math, history, and more




Duck Duck Go doesn't track your searches



Additional Resources

Hack College: Getting More Out of Google infographic



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