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Harlem Renaissance Project

Page history last edited by Kim Zito 6 years, 7 months ago

Don't forget to take a look at the databases!

They provide the citation as well as other tools that make it easy for you to incorporate the information into your research,



Infobase/ African American History Database  xrdn/library   
Infobase Tools  The Infobase tools allow you to share and attach your article to your assignment, cite the article, and listen as you take notes.   


Bloom's Literary Reference Center 

User name: xrdn

Password: library 

Ebscohost Explora 




Mouse over the magnifying glass to read the summary or abstract of the article.


Article Tools:

Google Classroom: attach to your assignment

Email: Email a copy of the article to yourself, a partner or your teacher

Cite: Scroll to the MLA citation and copy and paste it into your notes sheet. 

Gale Virtual Reference Library ebooks 

User name:




Share to Google Drive

Citation Tools




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