If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
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Suggestion: With Blabberize, upload a picture of the poet and use the tool to have the poet "read" his or her poem. Then in subsequent scenes, you can add pictures which represent the poem and your analysis. Or take your own photo and blabberize yourself as you read and analyze your poem.
Upload a screenshot of your poem and use the comments tool to read it, and then add slides with photos that represent your analysis as you continue to comment.
Develop an avatar who looks like your, or your poet, or who represents an aspect of the poem. Use the text or voice tool to add your poem and your commentary.
How to Blabberize
How to Voice Thread
How to Voki
Want to use this tool? Create one and then save it. Create an account with User name, Email and Password. Use school account. No last names for user name!
Want to use this tool? Ask Ms. Zito for a user name and password.
Want to use this tool? Ask Ms. Zito for log in information.
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